
Whist play Whist show tricks taken score

Looking for a fun, challenging Whist game? Let NeuralPlay's AI challenge you!

Just learning Whist? The NeuralPlay AI will show you suggested plays. Play along and learn!

Experienced Whist player? Six levels of AI play are offered. Let NeuralPlay's AI challenge you!

Rule customizations include:

  • Trump determination. Determine trump by the dealer's last card (Classic Whist), alternate suits, or alternate suits with notrump.
  • Honor points. Optionally award honors points to a team with three or four of the top four honors in the trump suit.

Features include:

  • Hints.
  • Undo.
  • Review the play of the hand trick by trick.
  • Six levels of computer AI to provide challenges for beginning to advanced players.
  • Unique thinking AI to provide a strong AI opponent for different rule variations.
  • Play checker. Let the computer check your play throughout the game and point out differences.
  • Claim. Claim the remaining tricks when your hand is high.
  • Replay hand.
  • Skip hand.
  • Autoplay hand.
  • Offline play.
The following features are available on Android, iOS support is in the works.
  • Detailed player statistics.
  • Achievements.
  • Leaderboard.